
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Chipping - How to create a solid chipping motion

by George Miller, GCHD Staff Writer

Chipping is something that we can all get better at (unless you hole out every chip). It is something that some people fear doing due to the shank, chunk, or thinned chip dangers lurking within the dark never reaches of their grey matter. Sometimes yes these flaws are due to a mental problem but have you ever taken a video to see what your chipping technique looks like?

I’ve used my PerfectView™ device and my voice controlled motion analysis software GolfCamHD™ to help me fine-tune my chipping to clip the ball better and create a movement that is much more efficient.
One of the first things to look at regardless of any swing you make in your golf life is whether your alignment is set up left (or right for left handed players). Your feet need to be open to the target about 30 degrees or so from where you want your shot to go. The club however should be lined up to your target and you want your weight to be mostly on your lead foot more a 90%-10% feeling of distribution of your weight. Now with your club square to the target you want to have the ball in the middle of the stance with some forward press of the club encouraging you to clip the ball first.
With the alignment right, now you want to make short accelerated motions with a chip shot. If you take a longer back swing then needed you will decelerate the club which causes you to hit the shanks, chunks, thinned chips.  Follow these suggestions and with what you learned you will be able to create crisp chips that will land closer to the pin. You will be hitting your chips with confidence and not fear. Go out and video your swing today however it is you can make it happen. Let us know if we can help.
While you are thinking about viewing your golf swing, come take a look at our offerings at to see what else you can do to improve your game. We have a whole range of device mounts and accessories that you can use with our App to view your swing in a practice setting and gain more confidence and succeed at golf.

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